The time is 11:59 and it’s almost time to run now .. looking down, Felix checks his shoes; yes, it’s the new ones. White, with stripes on the side, and looking good on the feet. We got them just the other day, to prepare for the run today. The mandatory “before†picture is taken, while he is seriously hoping, that they will forget the†after†shot!
It’s now that the run starts! The beginning is mostly flat and then it goes a bit downhill for a while! The concentration is high, and the smile is very big. A bus is coming and it does look a bit scary as it blasts past, but none the less the halfway point is reached in a good time. The mood is still great, but the concentration is starting to drop .. after the turnaround the wind is in the face and there is a stick .. a stick .. we better get that. With a bit of verbal encouragement and explanation the stick is forgotten, but now the hill starts to feel like a mountain. Wonder who put that one there .. it for sure wasn’t there the other way! Bummer.
There it is, like out of the blue, the finish line. Just there – so easy to reach. There is a huge smile on the face, and suddenly it didn’t feel that hard any longer. A finishing time of 5:51 for a 3/8 mile .. not bad for a three year old on his first training run.
Oh .. and the “after†shot .. thank you for forgetting that 🙂