2nd June 2003: A new picture Jesper Hyldegaard have send me a picture of Anne Madsen & Thomas Christian Larsen Djernis (or is it Djernæs?). We also got word from Cai Mygind (you know the guy who made the research about the family some years ago) that we may use his work on the web site. No promises, but maybe a small hope. 14th of May 2001: Small updates. Small updates to our e-mail liste 17th of January 2001: New features. First of all you will now see a new icon at the left side called Comments. When selecting this page you will be able to tell me and others what you think about these pages. Your comment will be avalible (as you write it) to both the english as well as the danish version of the pages. Another feature is when you are looking a person from the our family, and there is a mistake or you just would like to add new information, you can select the User Comments, and enter your own comment to this person. These comments will also be readable to all other people reading these pages. 8th of January 2001: Small updates. I have updated the GedCom (database) file with small corrections etc. and the program used for showing the family information so links are made to the avalible pictures. 15th of December 2000: I have received a mail from Cai Mygind. As most of you probably know Cai Mygind wrote the book about the Djernæs Family, which also were my first source of information and inspiration for this web site. Cai Mygind have approved that we use the information from his book at this web site, so I will start scanning some of the pictures from the book (they are not so good, but better than nothing). 31st of August 2000: A lot have happened on the Djernæs Family Web lately..... Some of you have told me that I had some errors in my information about the Djernæs family, and some of you have been "complaining" that my tree were starting to get "a bit too big" for finding the interesting information. First I took my "tree" and converted it into a GEDCOM file (some of you probally know that it's the standard exchange format for genealogy data). Then I took the web-programming-language perl, and started to make some dynamic web pages. Now we're having the ability to see the family tree (just like before), browsing through all the surnames, searching for a person and viewing an individual person. I have also changed my GEDCOM file with one I got from Sigrid (you know Sigrid is the one doing most of the real research), so now we should be very much up to date. The best is that I just have to place a new GEDCOM file on the server, when we have new/modified data avalible. OK there are also some problems. The GEDCOM files which I have contain a mixture of notes in english and danish. I would have liked to supply alternative information to you (dependant of your prefered language), but the GEDCOM file do not contain any information about the language used, so I just show what's there. I hope that you can use my new pages, and please feel free to correct any information and/or which new functions.
7th of January 2000: Happy New Year.... Some of you have also told me that there are mistakes in the family tree, and that it is getting too big - I agree with you. I will work on some kind of dynamic creation of the tree (and eventually information pages), but I will not promise any thing. Until we have a better solution, I will continue to maintain the data pr. hand, so please continue to tell me about problems (also small ones). 10th of October 1999: Long time no see! Here this summer we (Sabine and I) were in America on holiday. Here we were visiting Magrethe, Mark, Rian and Aron DeFaccio and Dora Hamilton in Seattle and Sandra, Jim and Mark Nelson in Livermoore, California. We had a wonderfull time there, and loved to wisit some of the family in America. Sigrid have send me some information which she got from Thomas Djernæs Jørgensen. The information fit into our family tree and have almost doubled the size of the tree (now there are over 800 people in the tree!). 6th of May 1999: The other day on the net I were "falling" over the name Thomas Djernæs Jørgensen. I wrote him an e-mail, and now we know that he also descend from Lars Nielsen Diernis (1755-1835). He have send Sigrid some information about his part of the family, and I hope I soon will be able to put it into the family tree as well. Thomas also have a webpage and an e-mail address, which you can find at the e-mail address list. 22nd of April 1999: So now the family tree is also available in Danish - I guess the danes appreciate that more that the rest of you. Sigrid have also (again) corrected a few of my datas - thank you Sigrid.
15th of April 1999: I have expanded the family tree, so now we have almost everything from the book of Cai Mygin. 23th February 1999: I have received a picture from Michael Vibe Scharstein and Anne Højgaard Scharstein's wedding. 19th February 1999: Another generation back in time is added to the tree. 24th January 1999: Michael Scharstein have told me that Anne Højgaard (Scharstein) is born in 1973 - see the tree. 19th January 1999: Sigrid have send me a description of Casper Josva Pretzmann Diernæs - Thanks Sigrid. 16th January 1999: Now these pages is also avalible in Danish (). 7th January 1999: Sigrid Vibe Djernæs have got a new e-mail address.
2nd January 1999: First of all - Happy new year :-) 13th Dec. 1998: I have got a picture of Lars Christian Caspersen & Marianne Olesen scanned in. The picture should be from around 1920. I have also put a large version (~57kb) on the web, since they are the ancestor for a lot of the people looking in on these pages. 8th Sep. 1998: Two more e-mail addresses are added to our e-mail list :-) and I am as good as finish with adding the information from Sigrid into the tree, so now the tree should be complete (with Casper Josva Preetzmann Larsen Djernæs as root). The next must be to add some more pictures, and then add another generation back :-) 22nd Oct. 1998: Sigrid have send me a lot of information about the family - here is some of it. Today (1th of October 1998) I got a mail from Jennie (Mersch) Snoberger correcting my information about her part of the family. I hope that a lot of people will do like her, so we can get better information collected about all parts of the family, so I will urge all of you to correct and/or expand the information I have, as well as I would love to receive more pictures from you eigter in digital form via e-mail or via snail-mail. Christine, Billy, Andrew, Randy and Bill Djernes have let thier e-mail address been avalible on the e-mail list. I have added two new pictures on the page, one from the reunion in 1998 and one from the Damewood family at Christemas last year. I can also tell that Sigrid are doing a lot of work on the family research (she have around 2000 people in her database!!!), so much that I guess that I never get it all avalible here unless I make a interactive database (maybe one day, but not yet). Yesterday my cusin Sigrid Vibe Djernæs called me, and told me that she had got a letter from Viola May asking if I please could put a picture of myself and my girlfriend on this page - so now it is done. The picture is taken in Bath, England, in one of the Roman baths there. With a bit of luck we will also soon get a picture here of Lars Christian Caspersen and his wife Marianne Olesen. Some years ago I got the picture from a cusin of my grandfather (Mariane Nielsen), and my father found it when they recently were moving. I forgot the picture at his place, but I will remember it the next time I come there. Today the 9th of July have I received a package from Judy Damewood, containing some pictures of her family, from the last Djernæs family reunion and a picture of her grandfather and grandmother. Beside these pictures she also send me a letter which her grandfather wrote shortly after he came to America. I have placed the picture of her grand parents on the pages, and I will put as many of the pictures in here as well. Thanks for all of you for the nice feedback which you give me on my try to create a home on the internet for some of all the information which exists about the Djernæs family. Also a small note here to the name: I have being writing all versions of the Djernæs name with the danish letter æ. I do know that probally most of the people which came to America wrote it with an e (at least after some time), and I will correct that. I some of you know that your part of the family keept the letter æ or even wrote it different, I would appresiate to receive a comment. |