English/American Dansk
The Djernæs Family Web



Family tree




e-mail list



FamWeb - Information

FamWeb or Family Web is a Perl script for reading and displaying GedCom files. I intend to keep the script open for other people, but so far I do not feel that my Perl expierence and the quality of the script is high enough for publishing.

The FamWeb version is controlled by RCS - here is the ID tag:
   $Id: famweb.pl,v 1.9 2001/01/17 16:59:50 martin Exp $

FamWeb currently have the following ways to present GedCom information to the user:

  • Detailed Information
    Detailed information is things like name, birth date, death date, spouse, children, parents, siblings etc.
  • Family Tree
    A family tree is a graphical way to show how people are related. Currently the tree representation is showing the spouse(s), children, birth date, death date and the same information for all children and their child... and so on.
  • Raw format
    FamWeb can also show the raw GedCom records. This is mainly usable to an administrator, but can also be usefull for the user who want to see if there is extra information in the GedCom file which FamWeb do not decode.
FamWeb is made all the way from the bottom for supporting multiple languages - my version support english and danish - since families move around in the world. Unfortunately I found that GedCom files were incapable of supporting multiple languages in one file (the char set is difficult enough).

FamWeb can also show pictures - actually in two ways, but both are incompatible with the GedCom format!

Why? - The answer is easy but long...

First I wanted to support the embedded pictures (objects) from the GedCom format, but then I learned that the format used a non standard BASE64 encoding which would make it more complicated for me to implement than the standard BASE64 encoding. I said to myself that I first make a MIME/BASE64 encoding since they are so common in e-mails and then the correct one. After having done the first one and surfed the web for more GedCom information I learned that authors of the GedCom format wanted to remove this feature from the file format in the future, since almost no programs are using it.

See now I wanted to support external files (pictures placed in another directory), but because of the language problem and the embedded object problem I choose to ignore all standard ways of doing it, and introduced a special FORM tag called file! (the file type can be understood from the extension!).

If you would like a copy of the script(s) for FamWeb or if you have any comments to FamWeb, then feel free to contact me on martin@djernaes.dk.

Generated by FamWeb - Copyright © 2000 by Martin Djernæs